Is your home’s AC system not blowing cold air when you turn it on? This is obviously a big problem that you’re going to want to get fixed right away. When your home’s AC system is blowing warm air, it’s not going to cool your home off at all. In fact, it might actually make it warmer inside your house while also simultaneously costing you a bunch of money. You can get around this by having the right air conditioning repairs in Hillsborough, CA done. But first, check out some reasons why your home’s AC might not be blowing cold air right now.
Your thermostat isn’t set properly.
When you first notice that your AC isn’t producing any cold air, you might be tempted to call on a Hillsborough, CA AC repair company right away. But before you do, you should always sneak a quick peek at your thermostat. There is a chance that the problem could be that you simply don’t have it set properly. If you have the fan turned out as opposed to the AC, it can result in warm air circulating throughout your home. Fixing this could get your AC system to start producing cold air again.
Your AC system has a dirty air filter in it.
In addition to taking a look at your thermostat to make sure it’s set right, you should also see what kind of shape your air filter is in when your AC is producing nothing but warm air. If you have a very dirty air filter, that can restrict your AC system’s airflow and make it feel way warmer in your house than it should. Generally speaking, you should replace your air filter about once every three months to keep it clean. This will ensure your AC system is working right and limit the amount of dust and other debris that is able to work its way through your system.
Your AC has a refrigerant leak.
There is refrigerant in your AC system that is responsible for helping it to keep your home cool. In the event that you only have warm air coming out of the vents in your home, it could be because you have a refrigerant leak. When there isn’t enough refrigerant in your AC system, it’s going to lead to it not being able to cool your home off. You’ll need to have an AC technician inspect your system to see if they can find a refrigerant leak in it.
Your AC’s evaporator coils are dirty.
There are evaporator coils in your AC system that are in charge of helping to remove the warm air from your home so that the cool air produced by your AC system can replace it. But the evaporator coils can get dirty on you and stop doing their jobs. This can possibly lead to your AC system overheating on you and shutting down. You’ll need to have an AC specialist clean your evaporator coils for you so that they start working like normal. That should help your AC system to cool your home off again.
Is your home’s AC not blowing cold air at the moment? The AC specialists from Carol Flynn Heating & Cooling would be more than happy to take a look at it to see why. We can perform the necessary repairs for you. We can also set you up with Hillsborough, CA air conditioning service to prevent the need for AC repairs in the first place. Give us a call to schedule AC repairs.