Does your furnace filter need to be replaced? You’re more than welcome to take on a simple job like that on your own rather than calling on an HVAC company for help. You can also do things like lighting a pilot light without assistance from a professional. But outside of small jobs like that, you should leave most furnace repairs in San Carlos, CA to the pros. Otherwise, you could run the risk of injuring yourself or doing extensive damage to your home. Check out some of the biggest dangers of attempting to do DIY furnace repairs below.
You could start a fire.
It’s important to do San Carlos, CA furnace service every year to ensure that it’s in good working order. If you have something as small as faulty wiring in your furnace, it could lead to a fire. There are also lots of mistakes that you could make while repairing a furnace that could lead to a fire. It’s why you should leave the repairs to the pros. They know how to properly repair and service furnaces without starting a fire while they’re doing it.
Read also: Tips for Choosing the Right Time to Do a New Furnace Installation
You could suffer from carbon monoxide poisoning.
Your furnace produces carbon monoxide, which is a colorless and odorless gas, while being used. This carbon monoxide could potentially leak out into your home if you’re not careful while making a DIY repair to your furnace. If, for example, you have a cracked heat exchanger and don’t fix it the right way, you could allow a large amount of carbon monoxide to seep into your home. This carbon monoxide can poison and even kill you if you breathe too much of it in. It’s good to set up a carbon monoxide detector to detect its presence, and it’s also good to call on an HVAC company to repair your furnace to prevent carbon monoxide from getting into your home’s air.
You could cause a major problem with your furnace.
If you open up your furnace and start tinkering around with it, you might be able to address an issue with it. But you might also turn a relatively small problem with your furnace into a much larger one that requires extensive repairs down the line. You might even do so much damage to your furnace that it needs to be replaced ahead of schedule. This could be a very costly mistake that you’ll regret if you ever make it.
Read also: 5 Reasons to Have New Furnace Installation Done in Your Home
You could void your warranty.
Most of today’s furnaces come with extended warranties that cover the cost of repairs during the first few years that you own one. Your furnace’s warranty will really come in handy if you ever need to have unexpected repairs made to it. But you may not have a warranty to fall back on if you try to fix a problem with your furnace on your own. You could inadvertently void your warranty by opening it up and messing around with it too much. Hiring an HVAC company to do this instead will stop you from having a negative impact on your warranty.
Don’t attempt to repair your furnace on your own. Call on Carol Flynn Heating & Cooling to do it instead. We’ll send someone out to your home right away to handle furnace repairs. We can also tackle a San Carlos, CA furnace installation if your old furnace needs to be replaced. Reach out to us at (650) 697-1535 or pay us a visit at 200 Valley Dr Ste 50, Brisbane, CA 94005 for all your furnace needs.